What is the Network Events Coordinator and what is her role as a La Leche League Leader?
The NEC is a member of the LLL of SoCA Inc. Board of Directors.
It is a Network responsibility to provide educational opportunities to it’s Leaders to assist them in remaining up-to-date as a credible Leader volunteer. It is a basic Active Leader responsibility to take advantage of these enrichment events when made available.
The Network Events Coordinator (NEC) plans enrichment and educational events.
–Network Conference can take the form as a one, two or three day event. The Event is designed for Leaders, Lactation Professionals and parents.
The NEC coordinates the planning activities with department members which can include: Registration; Program; Speakers; Location; Vendors and Finance. The tasks required to complete a successful Conference are many. Planning should commence a minimum of one year prior to chosen date. Every effort is to provide a Conference Event every other year.
With well coordinated planning, a Network Conference can be a major fundraiser for the Network. The Network Agreements state that major Events may not be planned without sufficient revenue to cover early expenses.
–Leader Enrichment Day. This annual event is designed to be for Leaders and Leader Applicants. The day should include topics to cover basic Leader needs as well as an opportunity to connect with sister Leaders. Minor fees are required to cover expenses. When available, a Group Basket Opportunity drawing has been enthusiastically received. Every effort will be made to hold this event central to most Leaders.