Network Coordinator of Leader Accreditation (NCLA)

The NCLA coordinates the efforts of a department of Associate Coordinators of Leader Accreditation (ACLA). The NCLA receives all new applications for leadership and fees, if applicable. The NCLA is responsible for sending Leader Applicant information to LLLI to be entered into the Raiser’s Edge (RE), the LLLI Leader database. The Network LAD is available to Leaders to answer accreditation and applicant questions. The NCLA distributes Leader applications among the ACLAs based on work-load, availability or relationship with the Applicant themselves. The NCLA may be asked to present at Area Network Workshops and Conference sessions regarding Leader Accreditation. The NCLA oversees and is available for consultation with the ACLAs. The NCLA and ACLAs will need to be able to communicate via email in a timely manner.

Time Commitment: The NCLA is a voting member of the LLL of SoCA Inc. Board of Directors. The SoCA Inc. Board meets for a 2-hour monthly Zoom meeting. Additional requirements may vary. 3 year term with option of two 1-year extensions.

Full job details are available upon request. Please email the Board at